Three-dimensional object texturing for visible-thermal fringe projection profilometers A comparative study of facial feature classification methods Binocular vision-based depth estimation in scattering media Stereo disparity refinement using genetic optimization
Toward a target-free calibration of a multimodal structured light and thermal imaging system Fringe projection profilometry without explicit projector calibration Three-dimensional object reconstruction using multi-ocular vision Vision-based pose estimation for robot navigation in an uncontrolled environment
First-order spectrum filtering in Fourier transform profilometry: a method comparison Performance evaluation of advanced correlation filters for printed character recognition Performance evaluation of facial landmark detection methods Stereo vision-based 3D pointer for virtual object interaction
Multi-projector system for dynamic scene platform of vehicle navigation evaluation Visual localization of an omnidirectional robot using color detection by a multicamera system Multi-baseline stereo vision for three-dimensional object reconstruction Camera pose estimation based on local image correlation
Distorted pinhole camera model for tangential distortion Image mosaicing for visual feedback in ground robot navigation Distorted pinhole model for image warping in lane detection applications Multiple object tracking in color scenes using composite-matched filtering with complex constrains
Numerical Solution for Radial Distortion Rectification in Optical Systems Pose estimation from projective transformations for visual guidance of a wheeled mobile robot Analysis of algebraic and geometric distances for projective transformation estimation Stereo vision parallelization for three-dimensional reconstruction
Calibration of camera-projector fringe projection systems for three-dimensional scanning Image stitching by projective transformations Length measurements from monocular images Real-time image dehazing using genetic programming
Template matching methods for robot navigation assistance A comparative study of image feature detection and description methods for robot vision Homography estimation for camera document scanning applications Stereo matching using adaptive windows and correlation filtering
On the use of video projectors for three-dimensional scanning Adaptive noise filtering of sinusoidal signals with unknown nonlinear phase Ronchigrams of parabolic concave mirrors by inverse ray-tracing Restoration of motion blurred images
Restoration of degraded images using stereo vision Phase demodulation for digital fringe projection profilometry: a review Focal length evaluation by inverse ray-tracing Ronchi test Simple method for correction of distortion in images
Fringe-projection method for three-dimensional digitization of human faces Automatic real-time generalized phase-shifting interferometry to process interferograms with spatio-temporal visibility Straightforward filtering to phase demodulation by a Fourier normalized-fringe approach Nonlinear observer for real-time attitude estimation