Citation | [1] Rigoberto Juarez-Salazar, “ALIGNRT: Pose estimation to align two point clouds,” MATLAB function, (July, 2024). URL: |
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ALIGNRT estimates the rotation and translation (R,t) from a set of point correspondences:
pi ↔ qi,
with i = 1, 2, ... , n, (n ≥ 3) where pi are points from a cloud P, and qi are points from a cloud Q. The estimation is performed iteratively using the Gauss-Newton method.
[R,t] = my_alignrt(p, q, R0, t0, ite, tol)
(i1) p = 3xN, poin correspondences from cloud P.
(i2) q = 3xN, poin correspondences from cloud Q.
(i3) R0 = 3x3, initial guess about the rotation matrix.
(i4) t0 = 3x1, initial guess about the translation vector.
(i5) ite = Maximum number of iterations (25, recommended).
(i6) tol = Convergence tolerance (from 1E-6 to 1E-9, recommended).
(o1) R = Estimated rotation matrix.
(o2) t = Estimated translation vector.
1The provided code can be freely used for academic purposes. However, the reference [1] must be properly cited.
2The provided code is illustrative and should not be used as the final product. The users will employ this code according to their criteria. The author is not responsible for damages or loss of information.